Silanes & Siloxanes for Construction Protection

Introduction Product List Selection Guide

Products System Substrate Benefits Equivalent
SiSiB® WR0301 Solvent Concrete Protect reinforced concrete from chlorine attack DowCorning's Z-6264.
SiSiB® WR0411 Solvent Concrete Protect reinforced concrete from chlorine attack DowCorning Z-2306,
Evonik IBTMO
SiSiB® WR0412 Solvent Concrete Protect reinforced concrete from chlorine attack DowCorning Z-6403,
Evonik IBTEO
SiSiB® WR0801 Solvent Alkaline substrate such as new concrete Contains small molecules that allow deep penetration; provides water repellency by bonding chemically with the substrate. DowCorning Z-6665,
Evonik OCTMO
SiSiB® WR0802 Solvent Alkaline substrate such as new concrete Contains small molecules that allow deep penetration; provides water repellency by bonding chemically with the substrate. Silquest A-137,
DowCorning Z-6341,
Evonik OCTEO
SiSiB® WR0812 Solvent Concrete Protect reinforced concrete from chlorine attack Wacker IO-TRIETHOXY,
Silres BS 1701
SiSiB® WR0818 Cream Concrete Protect reinforced concrete from chlorine attack Wacker Silres BS CRÈME C
SiSiB® WR0777 Water Neutral, bricks, ceramics, Roof Tiles, Perlite, Vermiculite Water-dilutable solution gives water repellency to a variety of substrates. DowCorning OFS-0777,
Wacker Silres BS16,
Rhodia Siliconate 51T
SiSiB® WR0772 Water Neutral, bricks, ceramics, Roof Tiles, Perlite, Vermiculite Water-dilutable solution gives water
repellency to a variety of substrates.
DowCorning OFS-0772.
SiSiB® WR2020 Fluid Gypsum Hydrophobing treatment for plasterboard, plaster blocks, powders and granular materials. Momentive TSF-484,
Wacker Silres BS94,
Rhodia Rhodoril H68,
ShineTsu KF-99
SiSiB® WR1001 Water Bricks, concrete, sand-lime brick,
natural sandstone and mineral plasters
General purpose water repellents for impregnating and priming mineral surfaces. Wacker Silres BS 1001
SiSiB® WR4004 Water Bricks, sand-lime brick, natural sandstone and mineral plasters. General purpose water repellents for impregnating and priming mineral surfaces. Excellent beading effect. Wacker Silres BS 4004
SiSiB® WR1290 Solvent Brickwork
all kinds of concrete
aerated concrete
sand-lime brickwork
cement fiberboards
mineral plasters
mineral-based natural and artificial stone
mineral paints
General purpose impregnating and priming agent for mineral and strongly alkline substrates. Wacker Silres BS 290