Silicone fluids are classified into two types: straight silicone fluids and modified silicone fluids.

Silicone fluids are generally colorless transparent liquids. They exhibit excellent resistance to heat, cold, and moisture. There is also little viscosity change in silicone fluids over a wide temperature range, and they have outstanding electrical properties. In addition, they are notable for their characteristics of mold-releasability, water repellency, lubricity, and defoaming properties.

Heat resistance
Silicone fluids have outstanding stability against thermal oxidation.

Cold resistance
Silicone fluids withstand low temperatures well. Methylphenyl silicone fluid, formulated for low temperature applications, maintains flowability even at -65°C.

Viscosity stability
There is little change in viscosity over a wide temperature range.

Chemical stability
Silicone fluids are almost totally chemically inactive. At room temperature, they show almost no effects from alkali solutions (up to 10%) or acidic solutions (up to 30%).

Non-corrosive and little effect on other materials
Silicone fluids have almost no adverse effects on metals and many other materials.

Low surface tension
Silicone fluids have much lower surface tension than water and other common synthetic oils.

Modified silicone fluids are silicone fluids with additional functionality beyond the already fine properties of common dimethyl silicone fluid. This is achieved through the introduction of various organic groups. Depending on the organic group, silicone fluids can be given properties of water-solubility, compatibility or reactivity with various organic materials, paintability, and greater lubricity.

Features of dimethyl silicone fluid
· Water repellency
· Thermal oxidation stability
· Chemical stability
· Defoaming properties

Features gained through introduction of organic groups
· Paintability
· Solubility and dispersibility in water
· Compatibility or reactivity with organic materials
· Antistatic properties
· Flexibility
· Lubricity