Research & Development

We continuously engage in research and development to fulfill market and customer demands. All the while we are actively pursuing further research to raise the quality and production efficiency of our previously developed products.

Our R&D is explicitly oriented to the requirements of the customers and markets. Business divisions relay market demands to our development divisions; Development divisions establish research themes and manufacturing divisions conduct practical R&D aimed at utilizing our plants and facilities for mass production.

This approach long-term growth, competitiveness and forward-looking capabilities for us and our customers. In order to do this efficiently, we have established R&D centers at each plant, which ties them in closely with each business and manufacturing division.

To promote the continuous innovation and improvement of our technology and process, we cooperate with several famous universities, which include Nanjing University of Chemical Technology, Wuhan University etc.

Almost five percent of our sales revenue are being spent on R&D.


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