Silanes & Silicones for Coatings & Paints

  Silanes as adhesion promoters Silanes as dispersion aids for fillers and pigments
  How to use a silane adhesion promoter? Polyester modified silicone leveling agent
  Suggested adhesion promoters Reactive silicones
  Silanes as crosslinkers Substrate wetting agent
  Silanes as curing agents (hardeners) Defoamer
  Silanes Selection Decision Tree Anti-graffiti and easy-clean additives

As curing agents
Amino-functional silanes may be used as curing agents (hardeners) for epoxy and urethane functional resins (often silicone based resins are used). They have the additional advantage that the silanol groups also react with each other to form siloxane (Si-O-Si) bonds, a process known as condensation. This silane crosslinking can improve the strength and wear resistance of the coating due to the extreme stability of the Si-O-Si network.

Suggested Curing Agent
Resin Type SiSiB SILANES Chemical Name
Epoxy SiSiB® PC1100
SiSiB® PC1110
SiSiB® PC1200
Polyurethane SiSiB® PC1108
SiSiB® PC1951